Every single day, we at RingelLaw work tirelessly to achieve favorable results for our clients.

Sometimes the tasks are relatively routine.

Other times, the stakes are very high and the battle is at a fever pitch.

What follows are but a few examples of unusual and remarkably difficult cases that we fought hard to win—and did.

Divorce Modification Defense

Custody and Visitation - Probate and Family Court

Our client's ex-spouse accused our client of sexually molesting their young children, in an unabashed effort to permanently terminate our client's visitation with and joint legal custody of the children. Before our involvement, our client became subject to a restraining order and lost visitation pending trial. Once hired, we successfully defeated the restraining order and restored visitation for our client before trial. At trial, we proved that there was no sexual molestation. Our client was completely vindicated and retained all visitation and legal custody rights.

Security Clearance Action

Defense of Security Violations Claims - U.S. Department of Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals

Our client worked for one of the nation's leading military defense contractors and held a secret security clearance for more than 36 years. After 9/11, our client was accused of committing two separate security violations while working on a missile defense system. At trial in the U.S. Department of Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals, we proved that our client did not commit the security violations, and our client was acquitted of those charges.

Personal Injury Defense

Uninsured Defendant - Jury Trial - Defense Verdict - Superior Court

Our client is a small, family-owned contracting business that had been hired by a supermarket chain to renovate a portion of one store. The store elected to remain open during construction and a customer got seriously injured. The customer sued our client and the store. Our client had no insurance. If the customer won against our client, it would have spelled the end of our client's business. We pulled out all the stops to defend our client—including building life-size models of a portion of the construction area that were admitted into evidence. We even had to hire a special service to transport the models to court. The jury unanimously found the supermarket chain—but not our client—to be negligent, and our client was completely exonerated.

Hijacked Websites

Computer Hacking - Plaintiff's Lawsuit - Superior Court

Our client was the founder of a musical band and had established several websites to promote the group. A former member of the band hacked into our client's e-mail and hijacked control of the e-mail addresses and websites. On behalf of our client, we filed suit against the former band member, and the case settled in our client's favor in less than one week. Our client received back control of the e-mail addresses, websites and also a substantial portion of the legal fees our client incurred.

Post-Divorce Contempt Defense

Successful Appeal of Probate and Family Court Decision

Our client was facing contempt for allegedly failing to pay a certain amount of money to our client's ex-spouse. The Probate and Family Court denied our client the right to a trial, and ordered our client to pay a significant sum of money without conducting the required evidentiary hearing. We took an appeal to the Appeals Court. We won. The Appeals Court reversed the Probate and Family Court's decision and remanded the case for a trial to which our client was entitled. Best of all, the case subsequently settled on terms extremely favorable to our client.